
Posts Tagged ‘Inauguration 2009’

I’ve not been doing well on according to the purpose of this blog. My mantra was to post often, not worry about perfection and be truly authentic. After having my laptop  and friends GPS stolen from our car, my faith in humanity wained a bit. But I’m back to post all of my back dated thoughts, that I didn’t have time to finish the they I wanted to….. reality is that this is all can I can give you at this time….

Last February I attended the inauguration of Barrack Obama as President of the United States of America with a group of friends.

I started this post then remarking about two subjects. Mantle of Authority and Diversity.

Recently I watched the DVD set, John Adams from HBO starring Paul Giamatti. This movie was a great portrait of a lesser known founding forefather that was impressive for many reasons. Most of all it reminded of the wonderment I felt at the inauguration. Since living in the D.C. area I’ve attended 3 inaugurations, most of which have followed a bitter year long campaign of  accusations, false rumors and attack under the guise of useful criticisms.

What I’m always amazed by at the inaugurations is the free and peaceful transfer of power. Indeed there is a palpable feeling when the mantle of authority is past and taken on by another. Regardless of how bitter the debates were, there is a true intangible but real power in the peaceful and humble change of possession of the executive authority.


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